Commercial Strategy
Implementable, effective, and enduring solutions require the right commercial approach from the start. We help clients plan the best commercial strategy to engage with the market.
Our advice is always based on research, typically supported by market analysis and financial modelling.
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Ballarat Station Precinct Redevelopment Project
The Ballarat Station Precinct plays a pivotal role as a gateway for public transport in Ballarat, significantly contributing to connectivity within and to/from Ballarat. The Ballarat Station is one of the grandest Victorian era station buildings in the State. To activate the site and grow the Ballarat economy, the government allocated $25 million to facilitate the development of a hotel and exhibition/convention/ centre on the Station Precinct site, including adaptive reuse of the ~3800m2 unused Heritage Goods Shed.
Biruu was engaged by RDV as principal consultant to manage the financial analysis, business case, market sounding, commercial & property advisory and then the procurement, negotiation and appointment of the successful developer (Pellicano).
Bendigo GovHub Advisory Services, for Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning
The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) engaged Biruu to consider the potential co-location within the central Bendigo area of the offices of various authorities and organisations, ultimately providing a civic hub precinct consolidating various State and Local Government authorities and potential community facilities. Biruu prepared a Feasibility Study with the findings.
Following this work, Biruu was commissioned to develop the Study into a Business Case. This project later became known as the Bendigo CBD Transformation Project, and then GovHub. The project sought investment to develop a high-quality government, commercial and community precinct in Central Bendigo for improved government service provision, regional CBD renewal, relocation of government staff and the economic diversification and growth of the region.
Melbourne Wholesale Markets Redevelopment Strategy, for Major Projects Victoria
Biruu was appointed by Department of State Development Business and Innovation to review options for the Melbourne Market project including privatisation, lease options, negotiating strategies with tenants, co-op models. Commercial assessment of property, lease and asset options were performed. This work resulted in the relocation of the Markets from Footscray Rd to Epping.
Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre Transactional Advice, for Border Medical Oncology
Border Medical Oncology (a consortium of Medical Oncologists) were in engaged in a commercial negotiation for access rights to the new Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre when they engaged Biruu for commercial advice. Biruu developed a strategy by which they could find common ground with the health service in a way that secured both party's essential interest in ensuring access for the community to good local cancer services.
St Kilda Pride Centre, for City of Port Phillip
The Victorian Government committed $10 million towards the development of Australia’s first LGBTIQ Pride Centre, and set up a competitive process by which councils could bid to host the Centre.
City of Port Phillip needed to understand the economic and social value of the Pride Centre in Fitzroy Street St Kilda, and engaged Biruu to prepare an investment Business Case for their consideration.
On the basis of Biruu’s analysis, Council decided to commit $10m of their own funds towards the Centre, and went on to engage Biruu to help prepare their tender bid. Council’s bid was successful, with further Victorian Government funding the project budget was raised to $35 million.
Frances Perry House Re-Lease, for Royal Women’s Hospital
The Royal Women’s Hospital (RWH) leases the top two floors of the RWH building in Parkville to operate Frances Perry House, a private obstetric and special care hospital. The Board agreed that the re-lease of the premises must be conducted under a competitive process that will seek formal lease proposals from a number of parties that will then be assessed on their merits against a set of agreed criteria.
Biruu was engaged to lead a market sounding, prepare a transaction strategy and then manage procurement of a private hospital operator.